Your unbiased source for in-depth coverage of cannajobs, cannatax, and cannabiz. We feel heavily consticted state-by-state amendments represent grovelization, not legalization. Sorry, one ounce limits and opt-out provisions don't float our boat. Toppling federal prohibition is the resolution we care about. Keep an eye out for our epic report, Cannajobs 2014.

Author Archive
The Interviews

The Interviews

You may have been wondering what’s up with the extended interviews with the top poteconomists on the planet. Audio, video, and transcriptions of sessions with Dr. and Professor Jeff Miron, Dr. and Professor Jon Gettman (who declined to be videoed), and pot prodigy Max Chaiken can be found in the Interviews category. Traditional media thinks you only want one quote from them per article. We like to think you linger over every last syllable.

Political Implications of Cannabis Commerce

Political Implications of Cannabis Commerce

If policing the planet, with a particular emphasis on Afghanistan, is as important to the administration as it appears to be, it might be wise to placate liberal, peace-loving, pro-marijuana voters who put a Democrat in the White House by ending prohibition. Policing the planet is impractical when you’re no longer in office.

All We Are Saying. . . Is Give Cannabis Commerce in the USA a Chance!

All We Are Saying. . . Is Give Cannabis Commerce in the USA a Chance!

Something tells me I’m not the only human on earth with a keen interest in how much cannatax there really could be . . . or how deeply cannabis consciousness has permeated all walks of life. . . am I? It could be the presentation. The vastness of a longish online stream could be scaring some of you off.


The Ripple Effect of Cannabis Commerce

The Ripple Effect of Cannabis Commerce

Been wondering how to break into the pot economy? Wonder no more. The Ripple Effect of Cannabis Commerce follows the path of someone very much like you and me, that is, someone alert for opportunity in the fertile field of cannabis commerce . . . who just happens to live in a marijuana-friendly community like mine. Am I living through my characters?

There Goes the Neighborhood

There Goes the Neighborhood

When I began writing Cannabis Commerce in the USAback in February, free enterprise — cannabis style — was in full swing. And things were really swinging in my neighborhood, South Denver, as it played catch-up to Santa Monica, CA, which had a head start and lots of forward momentum. It looked like the choke collar was off the industry for good.

Who’s Going to the Marijuana March on Washington?

Who’s Going to the Marijuana March on Washington?

If two million marijuana marchers are a wrought iron fence away from the White House bellowing, “Legalize it!” though bullhorns, then Obama can rightfully state it wasn’t his idea to “legalize drugs,” he was just reacting to the “will of the people,” per his presidential mandate.

A wonderful day in the neighborhood – a tour of Denver dispensaries

A wonderful day in the neighborhood – a tour of Denver dispensaries

The Cannabis Commerce cinema verité tour of Denver dispensaries kicked off this week, with visits to a couple of our favorite shops. Details of Colorado HB 1284, calling for greater scrutiny of dispensaries, were released the day before filming began. The industry was a little staggered by it all. But the show must go on.

Appreciation for Patients’ Rights

Appreciation for Patients’ Rights

Some patients are really, truly, chronically ill — and really, truly destitute. So, I’ll keep at my task, turning over rocks and finding pot-ential cannatax revenue. That won’t change. The difference is now I acknowledge that there are certain individuals who should never have to pay it.

Smoking the Subject

Smoking the Subject

Had enough pot tax commentary from talking heads and disengaged authorities with no affection for the subject whatsoever? Is cannabis just a subject to be loved no more, no less, than the frog in a dissection?

Cannabis Commerce in the USA

Cannabis Commerce in the USA

How much cannatax could be collected in a legal, regulated society? Lots, like $75 billion. And that’s just the USA’s share, in the the overground poteconomy’s infancy. Harvard’s enigmatic Dr. Jeffrey Miron, oft-quoted pot pontificator, greatly doubts it. Other poteconomists doubt him. Finally, the real lowdown.

Brainy Brown Grad Predicts Pot Tax Gelt

Brainy Brown Grad Predicts Pot Tax Gelt

Recent Brown economics major Max Chaiken’s senior thesis, The Other Green Economy, contributes vision, open-mindedness, and compulsion to the pastime of seeking cannatax. It predicts a whopping $212 billion’s worth, which ruffles the feathers of more experienced economists.

Carried on the Winds: CU 420 (2011) Sends Smoke Signals to DC

Carried on the Winds: CU 420 (2011) Sends Smoke Signals to DC

CU Regents backed off threats to police 420 activities on campus, the weather cooperated, and once again legalization opponents were left scratching their heads as over 10,000 proponents lit up as one organism.